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Tooth extractions / Third molar surgery

Specialists in Dental Extractions in Tijuana

Dental Extraction Details

Dental Extractions

Wisdom teeth or third molars are dental organs that, because they erupt last and have little space, are usually retained within the alveolar bone, causing various dental problems.

In fact, the inadequate position of wisdom teeth requires conventional dental extractions or, in any case, third molar surgery. We are going to talk about this procedure taking into account that, consequently, it is a common problem.  

Wisdom teeth or third molars

Wisdom teeth or third molars are dental organs that, being located in the back part of the mouth, usually erupt with difficulty, making their correct development impossible.

This happens because, being the last to appear in adulthood, they do not have the necessary space for proper development and positioning. For this reason, they are usually retained, causing pain, lesions and other oral problems.

Another disadvantage is their reach and/or distance. This aspect makes daily cleaning difficult, making them vulnerable to cavities and other gum diseases.

For this reason, some dentists also recommend surgery for asymptomatic third molars. Since such a process can be useful for the prevention of future dental problems.

Impacted or retained wisdom teeth

Impacted or retained third molars can grow as follows:

  • Incorrect angle and cause damage to the second molar.
  • Angled against the back of the mouth.
  • At right angles to the adjacent tooth.
  • Develop, but become trapped inside the jaw.

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At SOFDental Clinic in Tijuana we are waiting for you with specialists in Dental Extractions ready to take care of your smile.

Complications of impacted third molars

Retention of third molars can cause various oral conditions:

  • Damage to adjacent molars: When a wisdom tooth presses against the second molar, it can cause damage and increase the risk of infection in that area.
  • Crowding: Pressure from third molars often causes crowding of the teeth. This leads to orthodontic treatment to straighten the other teeth.
  • Cysts: As the third molars are formed in a kind of sac inside the jaw, this sac can fill with fluid, become infected and form benign cysts that, in any case, cause damage to both tissues and bone.
  • Caries: Due to their position and distance, third molars are more prone to caries.
  • Oral diseases: Difficulty in cleaning also increases the risk of contracting infections and progressive oral diseases. Such is the case of “pericoronaritis”.

Asymptomatic wisdom teeth

Dentistry is divided in its opinion regarding asymptomatic wisdom teeth, as it is difficult to predict possible future problems. However, preventive extraction can be a significant advantage immediately. Since early extraction avoids complications and serious oral diseases.

Extractions of third molars

The eruption or retention of wisdom teeth is an important issue for dentists and orthodontists. Since it is a frequent intervention that we can carry out in a simple way, or by means of third molar surgery.

Simple extraction

When the wisdom teeth have erupted, but do not show retention or any other characteristic symptom (typical of an inadequate position), it is possible to extract them in a simple way with local anesthesia.

Third molar surgery

In case of complications, it will be necessary to resort to third party surgery as a method of extraction. For this, a small cut is made in the gum and/or bone. The objective is to completely extract the impacted or retained molars.

To speed up, facilitate and reduce pain during the procedure, the maxillofacial surgeon will place local anesthesia and proceed to make the corresponding cuts in the area of the tooth.

But, in order to know if you need dental extractions or third molar surgery, it is essential to make the proper clinical and radiographic evaluation before making any final decision.

Importance of tooth extraction or third molar surgery?

Wisdom teeth usually erupt between 17 and 25 years of age (hence the reason for their name), being mostly four: two in the lower part of the mouth and two in the upper part.

However, since most people have retention problems (teeth are retained under the jaw or partially erupt), extraction or surgery is recommended for this purpose:

  • To avoid long-term stabbing and/or progressive
  • Mitigate the risk of deep caries.
  • Reduce the risk of infections or gum disease.
  • To prevent damage to nearby teeth or the surrounding bone, either by crowding or by the appearance of cavities and other diseases.

Keep in mind that when it comes to wisdom tooth extractions, the dentist or surgeon will most likely resort to third molar surgery as the main procedure.

Preparing for third molar surgery

Wisdom tooth extractions are almost always outpatient procedures that require prior preparation. Therefore, the professional in charge has the obligation to provide the necessary instructions. In this way, the patient has a clear idea of what to do before the scheduled surgery.

So as an additional recommendation we advise you to ask the following questions before undergoing third molar surgery:

  • What should I eat or eat before surgery?
  • Is fasting necessary before surgery?
  • Will I need someone to drive me home after surgery?
  • Should I take any medications? If so, which ones and at what time?
  • Should I avoid over-the-counter medications?

After third molar surgery

Depending on the type of anesthesia applied, you will be transferred to a specialized recovery room. And once the recovery time is over, you will be able to return home without any problem.

However, try to follow your dentist’s instructions regarding:

  • Bleeding: Avoid excessive suctioning or spitting. Replace gauze periodically as directed by your dentist or surgeon.
  • Consumption of medications: Try to consume painkillers prescribed by the dentist.
  • Swelling and bruising: Use an ice pack appropriately to reduce swelling and bruising.
  • Daily activities: Avoid overexertion during the first few days.
  • Drinks: Try to drink plenty of water after surgery. Avoid alcohol, coffee, carbonated and hot drinks during the first 14 hours. Also avoid drinking through straws.
  • Feeding: Eat soft foods for the first 24 hours.
  • Hygiene: Avoid brushing, rinsing and spitting for the first 24 hours after surgery.
  • Stitches: Stitches usually dissolve in a few weeks. If stitches need to be removed, you will need to schedule a medical appointment after the post-operative rest.

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At SOFDental we offer individualized and economical solutions under a comprehensive policy that ensures social responsibility and patient safety.

If you need a third molar extraction, SOFDental can help you. We are the smartest solution in Tijuana, the city of dental tourism par excellence.

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