MX: (664) 6853979 / USA: (619)7987046

Certified Dentists

Dental Treatments in Tijuana

Taking care of your smile

Dental Treatments

Blanqueamiento Dental c

Tooth whitening

It is a treatment of advanced dental aesthetics that seeks to improve the appearance and natural beauty of the teeth.

Coronas de porcelana

Porcelain crowns

Porcelain crowns are the best solution to replace the natural crown of the tooth in a fixed and durable way.

Protesis flexibles

Flexible prosthesis

They are almost invisible nylon or thermoplastic polymer-based resin prostheses that can replace a tooth or the entire denture.

protesis removible

Removable prosthesis

It is an artificial piece that replaces a tooth that has been lost due to age, periodontal disease or accident.

Carillas de porcelana

Porcelain veneers

Non-invasive treatment that allows you to have white teeth without imperfections.

Coronas de Zirconia

Zirconia crowns

An ultra-modern and super-efficient solution for replacing missing teeth.



Orthodontics is a treatment where we correct dental and skeletal malposition.

Relleno de resina

Resin filling

Tooth repair treatment with natural tooth-colored resin applied to the surface layer.

Implantes dentales

Dental implants

Dental implants are the most common solution to replace the loss of one or more teeth.

Placas totales

Total plates

A total denture is a replacement of the entire dentition.

Tratamiento del nervio Endodoncia o root canal

Nerve treatment

It is a procedure where the affected nerve is treated, this treatment is also known as endodontics.

Cirugua de terceros molares

Cirugía de terceros molares

The surgical extraction of third molars is a process where the piece is removed which is poorly positioned due to lack of space in the dental arch.

Consulta o examen

Consultation and examination

A detailed examination of the mouth is performed and the state of your dental health is obtained.

Limpieza Dental

Limpieza dental

Dental hygiene is one of the most important pillars on which oral health is based.

Protesis Fija Porcelana

Fixed porcelain prosthesis

An ideal treatment for molars or teeth that are endodontically decayed or heavily reconstructed.

We take care of your smile

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Or you can also call us:

From Mexico: (664) 685 3979

From USA: (619) 798 7046

At SOFDental Clinic in Tijuana we are waiting for you with specialists in Endodontics ready to take care of your smile.

Going to a good dental clinic is essential as a measure of prevention and conservation of our oral health. But, establishing trust with the best dentists in Tijuana in the sector is a feat that you can only do hand in hand with us.

Given the competitive level of the dental sector, patients need much more sophisticated, profitable and optimal alternatives that guarantee safety, comfort, economy and favorable results in the shortest possible time.  

High quality dentistry in Tijuana

For us, the use and development of technology in the field of dentistry is a priority. Because the idea of making an efficient and concise diagnosis determines the number of possible alternatives when choosing the right treatment for each patient

State-of-the-art equipment, in addition to our objective and pragmatic knowledge, allows us to offer customized solutions based on the health and esthetics required to meet the requested quality standards.

Certified dentists in Tijuana

To guarantee reliability, commitment and social responsibility, SOFDental Clinica in Tijuana is composed of a large group of certified dental experts.

Graduated from one of the most important study houses in the country, our specialists have a wide professional trajectory and excellent human value. Fundamental pillars when establishing professional relationships with patients of all ages that conceive the possibility of choosing according to the most immediate needs.

Dental treatments at the best cost

At SOFDental we offer competitive prices in the interest of cost-effectiveness and economic savings. When it comes to dental treatment costs in the United States, there is no comparison.

In fact, you can save more than 50% if you opt for our services. Since you will have at your disposal a wide range of oral treatments at competitive prices: dental implants, porcelain veneers, root canals, dental crowns, extractions, orthodontics and more. All this thanks to the selection of materials 100% made in Mexico.

Most requested dental treatments

Thanks to technological advances, the effectiveness of any oral treatment has improved. The speed and results obtained are much more efficient, and the reduction of pain in most treatments is becoming less and less.

Below, you will learn about some of the most requested dental treatments in our clinic: orthodontics, teeth whitening, dental implants, dental splints, dental veneers, gum grafting and teeth cleaning.

Dental implants

Dental implants are the most common solution to the loss of one or more teeth. Therefore, our goal is to offer practical, cost-effective and esthetic alternatives that improve the patient’s health and well-being.

At SOFDental we use digital technology to our advantage to implant sophisticated and realistic dental pieces, always in accordance with your natural enamel. 

Dental Crowns

To improve the appearance of a tooth without having to extract it, there is the possibility of implanting high quality dental crowns. This makes it possible to cover a deteriorated dental piece to improve its structure and recover its functionality and esthetics. For this reason, at SOFDental we evaluate all the alternatives when implanting a crown or a set of crowns. Adapting the treatment to the immediate needs of the patient.

Orthodontics (Braces)

Orthodontics is one of the most popular treatments today. The idea of correcting defects and irregularities in the position of the teeth allows to improve the smile and functionality of the jaw. Remember that our goal is to expand and create new opportunities for oral health in order to close the existing gaps in dentistry.


Whenever it is possible to save a tooth, we will do it. And that is why endodontic treatment exists, the set of specialized techniques that allow improving the conditions of the dental nerve and its periphery. So when faced with severely damaged dental structures, there is the possibility of recovering health in the shortest possible time.

The best dentists in the industry are right here at Clinica SOFDental Tijuana. Health doesn’t wait. Contact us to schedule your appointment.

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