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Cracked tooth: How to treat it?

cracked tooth how to treat it

A broken or cracked tooth is a serious problem in our mouth, as it can completely affect our oral health to the point of causing other complications.

However, there are different dental treatments that can treat a broken tooth, such as endodontics or the placement of a crown. In this sense and depending on the type of fracture, appropriate measures will be taken.

Below, we talk a little bit about it.


What are the signs and symptoms of a cracked or broken tooth?

The main symptoms of a broken tooth or molar are:

  • Sharp, moderate or severe pain when biting, occluding or exposed to external agents such as cold or heat. However, painless fractures are also possible.
  • Dental hypersensitivity.
  • Sensitivity to palpation.
  • Moderate mobility of the affected part.
  • Partially or completely affected dental anatomy.

If you have a broken tooth or a cracked tooth, it would be ideal to visit a dental clinic as soon as possible to avoid more severe complications in the short and medium term.

What are the treatments to fix a cracked tooth?

It all depends on the severity of the case, but in general, the treatments to fix a tooth are:

  • Dental sealing: Consists of the application of fillings in dental fissures and grooves. It is performed especially in children who have not completed tooth replacement.    
  • Reconstruction and endodontics: It is applied when the infection has touched the dental pulp to the point of partially or completely affecting it. To do this, the blood vessels of the ducts are removed and then fill the cavity with biocompatible material. This allows to preserve both the tooth and the aesthetics of it.
  • Dental crown: The placement of a crown is recommended as a reinforcement in case of fractures or important breaks. This is made of resistant materials such as zirconium and porcelain, which offer high aesthetic level and durability. The placement of this material, however, requires previous endodontics.
  • Extraction: The last of the options is tooth extraction. This measure is taken when the tooth is especially damaged to the point of causing other complications.

After the extraction it is possible to solve the aesthetic, spatial and functional problem in several ways:

  1. Dental Implants
  2. Removable dentures
  3. Orthodontics.

In this scenario, the decision to make depends a lot on the case, the professional’s opinion and the client’s financial possibilities. But, remember that SOFDental allows you to save up to 70% on dental treatments, and we also accept most of the insurances in the United States.

What to do in case of a molar fracture?

In case of a molar fracture, go to your trusted dental clinic as soon as possible. This in order to save the tooth, recover the functionality and aesthetics of it and avoid future complications due to caries and infections.

When does a tooth no longer have a solution?

Once cavities appear, the tissues surrounding the tooth become infected, to the point of creating abscesses in or around the end of the root of the molar. In the medium and long term this can be counterproductive, as the decay and infection spreads until it completely deteriorates the tooth and affects other teeth and even gums.

We have that the breakage or fracture of a molar or tooth can arise unexpectedly due to lack of maintenance, inadequate hygiene, disease, bruxism and even malpractice.

To recover your oral health, contact us. We are SOFDental, specialists in restorative and conservative treatments. Laugh again with confidence.

Contact us.

Dr Martin

By: Dr. Martín Ramírez
Dental Surgeon at SOFDental.


Each patient is a case, in order to make an assessment we need to see you. We invite you to schedule an appointment so we can make an accurate diagnosis.

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At SOFDental Clinic in Tijuana we are waiting for you with specialists ready to take care of your smile.


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